Monday, May 18, 2009

A Week of Fundraisers

Nicole Zanfardino, Maureen Price and the rest of Friends for a Cure hosted a car wash this past Saturday at Red Lobster in Stony Brook to raise money for their Relay for Life of Smithtown team. The team reports raising over $300.

Team Iliana had their own car wash on Sunday at Applebee's.

Fundraisers continued this week. The Faculty/Student Softball Game begins at 3 p.m. Our Famous Dave's fundraiser runs throughout the day Wednesday.

This is also an early reminder that our next (and last meeting) will be held at High School East at 7 p.m. in the Main Cafe. A representative from each team must attend to collect the team's t-shirts, campsite and other important information for the day of the event. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.

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